연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 대학원생 구두발표 (I)
발표장 제10회장
논문코드 1O10-14
발표일 2021-10-21
발표시간 17:25-17:40
논문제목 Hydrophobic Barrier Assisted Formation of Metal Electrodes within A Single Layer of Paper for Highly Efficient Flexible Supercapacitor
발표자 오인혁
발표자 소속 중앙대학교 화학신소재공학과
저자 오인혁, 이성민, 김연우, 남인호1, 장석태1,†
소속 중앙대학교 화학신소재공학과; 1중앙대학교 화학신소재공학부 교수
논문초록 Flexible energy storage devices have been interested to apply for wearable devices. Paper is emerging as a next-generation material. Due to porosity, paper have selected to complement low energy performance of supercapacitors. We introduce a paper-based supercapacitor fabrication technology that separates two metal electordes with a hydrophobic barrier. The key point is to deposit electrode in the desired space within a single paper. Other devices that require multi-layers no longer need to increase their size. The solid-state supercapacitor device can be fabricated by infiltration of gel electrolyte. The device exhibits a capacitance 560.2mFcm-2 and excellent cycling performance with 95.2% retention after 2000cycles and stability under the mechanical test. The maximum power and energy density of our device are measured to be 1.597mWcm-2 and 28.74μWhcm-2. In this work, it can be developed for batteries or other wearable electronic devices that require the flexibility and multi-layers.